I will say my girls were very interested in the videos and enjoyed learning about Mary and Elizabeth. So then on Monday night, we had all read the scriptures on our own, so we discussed the second part of the lesson while the little girls colored a picture of Mary and the Angel. We were able to have a great conversation and work through the Angel/Mary table I put together.
Where was the baby while all this was going on? I honestly can't remember!
I found this great idea on Pinterest from Cottage Charm Design, a poster you can print with the scriptures/theme and write in your family goal for the week. This is a link to the January printables, and then I assume there will be a new post with each subsequent month. I plan to print this each week, we can fill it out Monday night and I can put it in a plastic sheet protector for us to review the rest of the week.
Another great resource I found was from Chicken Scratch n Sniff, tons of great ideas and things you can print. She also has a Facebook group called Come Follow Me for Families, I joined but then had to unfollow the group because there were just too many posts clogging my feed. She is trying to do a weekly post and have everyone comment on it so there aren't so many posts, but that doesn't always happen. There are a lot of people out there planning to do something with their families every night, as I mentioned before, that's not realistic for us. It's very easy to get wrapped up in all these great ideas, but I'm going to try to stick to the Cub Scout motto of "Keep it simple, keep it fun".
Now, on to the links and PDFs for this week!
Supplemental videos this week from lds.org media library
PDF pages from the New Testament coloring book Luke 2 coloring page Luke 2 maze
Another great idea this week is an object lesson from Little LDS Ideas link to Facebook page
She explains it in this You Tube video, the idea is inspired by the Family Home evening ideas for this week in the scripture Luke 2:52, How can we increase in "wisdom and stature" as Christ did? She suggests measuring/tracing everyone's body or hands. Then you can think of goals for this year maybe a goal that goes with each body part or if you trace hands do one goal for each finger. Then at the end the year, you can look at them and see how you did. You can also remeasure your body or retrace your hands to see how much you grew in that year. The minimalist in me is going to go with hand tracing on this one!
If you are looking to find hymns to go with each week's lesson, someone put together this great document with all of them listed for the whole year Come Follow Me hymns
Have a wonderful week!
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